Monday, January 16, 2006


Hit Hard Right Front

If I were a car..... This had come without warning. I thought of all of the people I had told over the years that this University was the cheapest baby sitter I could get. I had graduated there. They had their own police department and various departmental administrations that had an interest in making sure they grew up with a balance of personal freedom and rules. After all, if something was to go awry the U would try and handle it low keyed for the sake of the U's reputation. So I never had a worry of anything while he was at school. He was a good kid. I recommended that all my friends send their kids to the U for a place to let them make their own way in a safe environment. Let them grow up and gain their independence. But it had happened, and after he had started waking up, he slept the rest of the night.

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