Sunday, April 02, 2006


Twenty Something going on Thirteen

They came to get him for more tests, so his grand parents and I went for breakfast- oh and he had a short list of things he needed in hospital. They were going to keep him for a few days and he wanted a few things like pj's, etc. Sometime in there I had the presence to ask some of the kids about his car and told them to remind me about it later. Did I mention that his room was constantly full of bk's (band kids). There was a couple of gals doating over him as well- one being his girl friend and another was an ex.

We went out to the Cracker Barrel and then to a store called Proffitts. Oddly enough they had some nutrition bars there. Knowing how kids are, and they are always hungry- I got a couple of boxes maybe more. When I took them out at the hospital, several kids took one bite and then laid them down for later. Yeah right. What was funny was over the rest of that day and the rest of our stay the kids began to eat them like candy bars.

Wil was back in his room and someone had went and got his camcorder. He had been documenting their band year to show everyone during the banquet they have at the year end. They were in hope that it would jog his memory. It didn't seem to be working. It was nearing evening when some of the hospital staff came to get me to give me his billfold and things he had on him on arrival. They wanted me to sign some papers for responsibility, which I believe I declined. I am not sure if it was at this time, but someone during his stay told me to expect between $150k and $300k in bills. Of course my brain was thinking waht? It turned out a lot less. The hospital wrote off most of it, thank God. (I only owe a little over $21k now and it should be paid off in a little under 5 years. I knew I had that 401k for something.)

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